
Neon Splatter March 10, 2012

Filed under: Nail Art — sugarmitten @ 9:00 AM
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Happy Saturday everyone!


11 Responses to “Neon Splatter”

  1. Mom Says:

    Love these!!

  2. theclassyanarchist Says:

    I am in love with this splash of colour!

  3. coolnailart Says:

    Very cool! How’d you do it?

    • sugarmitten Says:

      Thank you! If you Google splatter nail art I am sure you can find a tutorial. I can remember where I first read about it. You paint the base coat. For this I used Essie Turquoise and Caicos. Tape around your nail (same as you would for water marble if you are familiar with that) this just makes cleanup easier in the end. Then you use skinny straws like coffee stirrers or cocktail straws. I cut mine in half. You dip one end of the straw in polish, enough to coat the end but not so that it is dripping off. I tried putting a little dab of polish on my work space and dipping the straw into that but in the end I found it easier to just rub the end of the straw against the brush. And then you blow into the other end of the straw hard enough so the polish comes out and splatters onto your nail. Let me know if you have any questions. I can try to take some photos of the process if you have any questions.

  4. I wish I had ur skills! 🙂

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